
von Talia



„In the past years there was only one actress who has been on the news. Hate and love were the only two things that were on everybody’s mind. Everywhere you looked there would be her name only, on every cover of a magazine, a dozen billboards, or you might even have a shot of seeing her roam down the streets soon followed by security guards. And if you were really lucky, she would even smile and wave at you. Now this incredible actress is sitting here with us. Hello Ms. Samantha Tarret, how did you end up becoming one of the most well known actresses in America? What advice would you give younger actors who wish to achieve the same?“ „Oh, thank you, Liz, I hope I can call you Liz. Before you said it, I didn’t realize how big of an actress I really am. I can’t even believe I am here tonight with you. When I was little I always dreamed of being on your show, as it was my dream to get there. I don’t know why I am here. In my brain I am still a little theater kid who enjoys being on stage and acting with other kids. The advice I’d give to the younger generation is that you should always follow your dreams, and never listen to anyone saying otherwise, but listen to people who will give you constructive criticism.“ I shuffle in my seat, fidgeting with my rings, and the hem of my dress. „Now that’s one way to make me feel old, darling. You are such an inspiration for the younger generation of actors. But, the biggest question is, who did you look up to as a kid that well, made you end up here?“ „My biggest inspiration was Marinda Stratford. I grew up with her movies, and I still love her acting so much. I always wanted to do a movie with her, never got a chance though.“ Oh, but did you ever meet her in person?“
„Yes I did at the Oscars. It was the first time I was invited, and it’s actually a funny story. I didn’t really know any actors, and was just standing alone. But of a sudden Marinda turned up smiling, inviting me to sit with her and her friends. Till this day I am deeply convinced we are best friends.“ I laughed, remembering the moment, and how anxious I had felt the days prior to it. “Are there any new movie projects we can expect in the future?” “Oh yes, but I think I’ll take a break for now concentrating, on my own life for a few months.” This is my first real interview in years, with a live audience, they are laughing and awing at everything I say. I didn’t think I would ever be here again, at all in this universe, or any other parallel universe, I assume. But, I am here at this moment, a crowd watching my every move, and listening to every word I utter with the deepest respect. “How did you recover from all these rumors that have shown up these past years?” The question that always haunts me. How did you make it? How did you not lose your mind? I wanted to lie to everyone, and hide away. Drowning in my own existence. The way to fame is not an easy one. You will spill lots of blood. My body still hasn’t gotten used to all the different sensations that come with fame, like I am just a puppet on strings being controlled, held on tight. I have no control over my words as they would come out, maybe I’d even tell the truth for once. Maybe I’d lie like I always do. Maybe I will just hide in my shadow.

© Talia 2024-06-27

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