Not A(nother) Bloody Heartbreak!

Lisa Marie

by Lisa Marie

Europe 2015 – 2023
We all know stories about it, see it in films or literature, and it always looks tragic: a broken heart. Heartbreaks and suffering from them suck, and in real life it is not only limited to 90 mins of crying, sniffing and dramatically watching the rain outside as they do in films. In real life, when you suffer from a broken heart, it can be so painful, you wish you wouldn’t feel anything anymore, you want to scream, get away from the pain and feel as if nobody can actually understand you. Although everybody experiences feelings differently, you’re not alone, believe me. This is not a guide how to get over a heart break quickly and be a happy butterfly again. This is a simple, real story about life and the heartbreaks I suffered, and how I managed to move on. To show you, that you’re not alone with what you feel, to show you, we can manage the horrendous emotional experience, most of us have made or will made in their life. A story to show you, you’re not alone with your feelings.

© Lisa Marie 2023-08-26

Biographies & Non-fiction
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Reflektierend, Traurig