
Oana-Nicoleta Balc

by Oana-Nicoleta Balc

This book is written more in a descriptive way about the life of two sisters and their activities with or without their parents. From the first chapter you can see the character of the girls as of course different, but malleable when it comes to their parents. This can be discovered throughout the chapters. By reading this book, you can learn the value of a family in the life of some children. Even if participating in the activity or not, in the family, the girls are always positively surprised by their beloved parents. Their minimal description, in this book, is certainly full of good lessons. Not only that they are united, but this family is built so beautifully between the chapters, with almost all the characters playing their main roles in it. The reader is, of course, free to understand these lines as he sees fit, but he will certainly not be disappointed by the small lessons in it.

© Oana-Nicoleta Balc 2023-12-07

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Inspirierend