This is a world full of mystery and magic. Many different creatures live here, many encounters are made here, and many others are destroyed here. Some are more common, and others are not. This story entails the adventure of one of those encounters. This one is especially carefree and silly.
Somewhere far away in a land with many seasons, a red-haired witch lived in a small cottage in the middle of a forest. She had been running out of ingredients for her potions, but she was not worried as it was easy to gather them. She took her pointy hat, a knife and a grimoire with her. She was accustomed to the area and knew where to go. It didn’t take long before she found what she needed. Five freezing mushrooms, mistletoe berries, a dozen four-leaf clovers and medical herbs. The forest she was living in wasn’t just any kind of forest, of course. It had many inhabitants living in it. Usually, only monsters would stay in such a secluded area, but this witch couldn’t pass up the herbs she was able to harvest there. She made her way back home skillfully, avoiding monsters and old elvan-made traps. This forest used to be populated by elves, but they have long left. What was surprising, though, was finding a slime right in front of her house door, and it was purple. Unusual for this land. Or any other land. She knew this could be dangerous considering she had never seen anything like it or had any information about it, but her curiosity got the better of her. As the saying goes, ‘Curiosity killed the lich, but satisfaction made it feel like a peach’. “This is strange,” the witch said to herself as she got closer to examine the purple creature. “What type of slime are you?” she thought out loud. “I am not a slime!” it shouted, in a surprised and indignant tone. The witch jumped back, crossing her forearms over her face. Seconds went by, and she dropped her arms, now filled with a different emotion from fear or shock. “You can talk?” asked the witch, amazed. “Yes, I can talk,” replied the creature, still sounding offended. “What, am I supposed to bark?”. The witch was fascinated by the strange creature. “What is your name?” the witch asked curiously. It seemed to be thinking hard about an answer. “I don’t have one.” The witch pondered for a while. She gave the slime one more look over. “All right, then, from now on, you shall be called Bora the Slime.” all but declared the witch. “I don’t care what you call me,” replied Bora. “Let me explain before you start hating on it. It comes from the eastern continent and I happen to know a few things about that place. In one of the kingdoms there, their word for purple is bora.” she smiled, feeling rather proud of herself. The slime, or rather Bora, swayed a little from right to left. The witch had no clue what the slime was doing, but if she had to guess, it was expressing its agitation, which made the witch only the more eager. “Don’t just give me a name, and who even are you?” Bora demanded to know. “I am Emilia the Witch!”
© Barakatou Bandaogo 2023-07-31