Family is not just blood

by Talia


Kayla was there, to hug me every time I needed a good cry. She wouldn’t laugh. She’d respect my emotions and would tell me that my emotions are valid. Today is the day once again that could change my life. The day of the callbacks, whether I got the audition or not. We are currently sitting in our favourite café drinking milkshakes, and talking about the callbacks, so much to a distraction. „They won’t call, I know it, they probably chose Ms. Nepotism than some random actress who’s only getting backlash for being a liar.” “Hey trust me, they will choose you. I know it. If they don’t, then they are very stupid and don’t deserve your acting, and you can just land the next audition.“ She tries cheering me up with little avail. „If I don’t land this audition I won’t be acting any more. I will get a real job.” „WHAT? NO YOU WON’T!“ She basically yelled now. I shushed her, reminding her we were in a café. „You also auditioned. Don’t forget that. I’m sorry I only talk about how I want to land the audition, but you auditioned too.“ She waves it off, I think she’s already given up on her chances that she could have ever landed the role. „Come on you still have a chance, and even If I hypothetically land the protagonist I’m taking you to set every day. You are not allowed to ever leave my side again. I can not live without your sarcastic comments.“ She smiles so brightly, deep down you can see how broken she is, and how little she wants to show it to someone. “Are you sure you are okay?” She nods, sipping on her milkshake, still smiling. We start talking again, and out of a sudden, an unknown phone number calls me. “OH my god KK, I can’t pick up.” „KK? Seriously, you have no choice.“ I moaned annoyed, picking up the phone. “Hello, who is this?” First there was no reply, but then I felt my world shaking when I heard a familiar voice. „Darling is that you? When are you coming home? Did I miss you so much?“ I didn’t answer her. Instead, I look at Kayla, who looks at me like she knows who’s calling. My eyes start tearing, and Kayla’s face only reads worry. She is worried about me, I hope not for my mother. „Yes uhm, this is her. I really can’t talk right now. Please don’t call again.“ I hung up the phone, and I felt like I couldn’t hold in my tears any longer, so I stormed out of the café hiding in the next corner, trying to start breathing normally again, to no avail. A few seconds later, Kayla was right next to me, and asking no questions she started hugging me once again. “It’s okay you can let it out.” She whispered into my ear. Which made me sob even harder. Is it really that hard to let go of the past? It feels like it just keeps hunting you, not ever letting you off its leash. “Do you think I did a bad thing hanging up on her and all?” My voice feels so small and weak. „You did the right thing. Parents don’t always deserve forgiveness.“ I feel like never letting go of Kayla, scared that she might leave if I let her go. I felt the phone vibrating again. This time it’s a different phone number though.
“I don’t think I can answer.” I whispered almost inaudible. Kayla nodded, taking my phone in her hands and answering. “Hello, who is this?”

© Talia 2024-06-28

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