by Krimpi
Are we really becoming ever smarter?
Studies show, so scientists tell
Humankind is doing intellectually very well
Scoring three points more per decade doing the standardized IQ test
All your worries that things would go down the drain, just put them all to rest
On the other hand, if we are getting ever smarter as fast as scholars say
I wonder how did our ancestors make it at their time from day to day?
Calculating backwards, subtracting 3 points per decade on the IQ scale
Would make the ancient Greek and Roman look intellectually very pale
Knowing their achievements in mathematics, art and architecture I always considered them absolute aces
My IQ backward calculation now tells me they hardly could tie their own shoelaces
If we confront this IQ number crunching statistics with the latest research in DNA
We get the impression that we are actually going the other way
Our modern Homo Sapiens DNA differs from our Stone Age ancestors by 2% – this is the latest count
Compared to the chimp, we vary only 1%, a comparatively small amount.
Therefore, we are meanwhile closer to the chimp than to our own ourselves, as we were
We might get smarter by the day…. but does that really take us anywhere?
© Krimpi 2023-03-03